
Background. Today, among the increasing number of various diseases, stress is a trigger in the development of diseases and mortality among the population. Objective. To establish submicroscopic changes in the hemocapillaries of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas and adrenal glands in the presence of immobilization stress with underlying hypothyroidism. Methods. The experiment was carried out on 20 mature white male rats. Hypothyroidism was modeled by daily per os injection with a probe of the pharmacopoeial mercazole thyreostatics at a dose of 25 mg/kg for 21 days. Acute immobilization stress was modeled by tying the experimental rats in a supine position in 4 limbs without restricting head mobility for 3 hours. The study was conducted 2 hours later (anxiety stage) after the end of the stress impact. The material was collected for electron microscopy and tissue processing was performed according to generally accepted methods. Results. Electron microscopic examination of the blood capillaries of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and the hemocapillaries of the adrenal cortex after the action of the stress factor in cases of hypothyroidism showed slightly enlarged lumens and moderate perivascular edema. The basement membrane was moderately thickened but clearly contoured. Endotheliocyte nuclei were mostly hypertrophied, euchromatin was uniformly located in the nucleoplasm, and nucleoli were defined. The karyolemma was clearly contoured, the number of nuclear pores was small, and the perinuclear lumen was locally widened. Endoplasmic reticulum with moderately expanded and short tubules, moderately thickened cisterns of the Golgi complex were observed in the cytoplasm of endotheliocytes. There were two types of mitochondria: hypertrophied with an electron-light matrix, single cristae, and with clear visible cristae and a moderately electron-dense matrix. In addition to the capillaries mentioned above, there were also single narrowed microvessels that had perivascular edema and vaguely contoured fenestrae. Conclusions. When modeling a stressor in cases of hypothyroidism, structural changes of all components of the walls of blood capillaries of the pancreas and adrenal glands take place.

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