
Introduction: Normally the cornea in human eye is crystalline clear membranepresent in the anterior most portion of the eyeball. Regarding the various functions of thecornea in human eye it provides protection, clear vision, refractive media the visual systemand maintains itself as an immune privileged site. Neovascularization is mostly associated withan inflammation and always indicate a state of disease. Similarly Corneal Neovascularizationcan cause Graft rejection reaction after keratoplasty the different types of anti-VEGF agentsnow are used to prevent neovascular eye diseases. These different Anti-VEGF inhibitors areLucentis, Macugen and bevacizumab/Avastin and used in case of ocular neovascularization.Objectives: To determine the efficacy of subconjuctival injection of Avastin on patients havingcorneal neovascularization following keratoplasty. Settings: Department of OphthalmologyAllied Hospital, Faisalabad and Independent University Hospital, Faisalabad. Study Duration:The duration of study was 11-02-2015 to 11-07-2015. Results: A total of 86 cases fulfilling theinclusion/exclusion criteria were enrolled to determine the efficacy of subconjuctival injectionof Avastin on patients having corneal neovascularization following keratoplasty. Discussion:Regarding the success of Keratoplasty is determined by many factors especially avascularity ofcornea after surgery. Corneal neovasculrization is disease process secondary to various ocularinsults in which growth of vessels towards central cornea occur from the limbal vascular plexus.But now a days Bevacizumab/Avastin is commonly used in Ophthalmology as “off label” drug inthe treatment of Exudative age related macular degeneration as well as in diabetic retinopathy.Conclusion: We concluded that the frequency of efficacy of subconjuctival bevacizumab ishigher in patients having corneal neovascularization after corneal transplantation.

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