
Femtosecond pulses with center wavelengths between 470 and 750 nm are generated in a single-stage type I BBO optical parametric amplifier pumped by a frequency-doubled 1-kHz Ti:sapphire amplifier. A high-quality white-light continuum is used as the seed. Pulse durations as short as 16 fs and pulse energies of as much as 11 microJ are observed. The quantum efficiency is ~25% for both 7- and 40-microJ pump pulses. This unique combination of ultrashort pulse duration and high conversion is made possible by noncollinear phase matching that permits a sufficiently large amplification bandwidth. Simultaneously the group velocities of the signal and the idler are effectively matched. As a result widely tunable sub-20-fs pulses can be generated in a nonlinear crystal as thick as 2 mm.

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