
Supernova remnants (SNRs) are remarkable astronomical objects which are a diffuse, expanding nebula of gas that is a direct result of a star's explosive death, resulting in a supernova explosion. SNRs play a vital role in the scattering of tough elements which are made in the supernova explosion into the interstellar medium and provide much amount of energy that heats the ISM, as well as SNRs, are responsible for enormous differences in physical process and properties. In the present work, we study the physical properties, performance, and behavior of dynamical growth of several SNR type Ia and type II specifically after an explosion of a supernova, and explore how the density of the interstellar environment influence the physical properties and eternity of each SNRs. To achieve such goals, we have utilized the method known as Counting Pixels Method, which has been applied to the SNRs images as well as a new pattern has been suggested to calculate some of the physical properties such as the expansion velocity and the radius of the chosen remnants, which based on the age of SNRs and the density of the surrounding medium. The outcomes of the study depicted that each chosen SNRs type Ia and II likewise in performance and behavior after a long period of explosion nevertheless, they are displaced either upwards or downwards based on the interstellar density. However, we noted that SNRs are exploded in the lower density environment and expanded without restriction to make a regular shape. We have concluded that further study is required particularly on the physical properties of SNRs when inserted into the radiative phase.

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