
In order to study the behaviour of honey bees in relation to pollen harvesting, and diversity and quantity of pollen from harvested loads, we have studied honey bee visits in different hours of the day and in several months, in four hives located in the South of Galicia (NW of Spain). All hives showed some hourly patterns in common. The honey bee colonies focalised their activity in any pollen sources in different moments of the day [morning –before 12:00 a.m.- (Ranunculus peltatus-type, for example); central hours -from 12:00 to 16:00 p.m.; morning and afternoon interval –before 16:00 p.m. (Cytisus scoparius-type, Quercus spp., for example); and in evening –from 16:00 p.m.-(Castanea sativa and Rubus ulmifolius-type)]. Sometimes, the collecting pattern of one determined pollen source varies in different hives.

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