
Identified and studied the mechanism of growth kinetic for some types of algae stuck on different materials surfaces which sank in Tigris River as medium for growth such as awash surface for boats, aquatic plants, and clay . The results shown participation of the algae: Gyrosigma acumintum, Firgallares capucina var -valvaire, Diatoma elongatum and Oscillatoria sancta which were stuck on awash surfaces in the Tigris River. Results shown also the dominion of diatoms algae Bacillariophyce Class (Cymbella cistula, Diatoma elongatum, Firgallares capucina. var -valvaire, Melosira granulata. var.connective, and Nitzschia )which stuck on the awash surface of cane by 76.4% more than remnant of algae. The class of Cyanophycea (Oscillatoria sancta and Merismopedia glauca ) more dominion by 11.7% than remnant of algae. The class of Chlorophycea (Spirogyra borgeana) more dominion by 5.8% than remnant of algae. The characteristically of Penale's order algae dominion for growth by comparing with Centrals' order algae which consists of diatoms algae (Bacillariophyce class). The characteristic of cane more effect than clay and boats by adhesion of most algae on it during the period of growth on awash surfaces in Tigris River. The concentration value of ammonia and nitrate are 22.4 and 16.8 ppm respectively for test of the clay sample which assist for growth of algae such as Oscillatoria boryana and Oscillatoria sancta. The study identified 25 species for 18 genuses for different algae with dominion ability


  • Var -valvaire, Melosira granulata. var.connective, and Nitzschia )which stuck on the awash surface of cane by 76.4% more than remnant of algae

  • ‫‪The characteristically of Penale's order algae dominion for growth by comparing‬‬ ‫‪with Centrals' order algae which consists of diatoms algae (Bacillariophyce class).‬‬ ‫‪The characteristic of cane more effect than clay and boats by adhesion of most‬‬ ‫‪algae on it during the period of growth on awash surfaces in Tigris River

  • The‬‬ ‫‪concentration value of ammonia and nitrate are 22.4 and 16.8 ppm respectively‬‬ ‫‪for test of the clay sample which assist for growth of algae such as Oscillatoria‬‬ ‫‪boryana and Oscillatoria sancta

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Ahmed Mohey Rezooqi

Ministry of Science and Technology *Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering/ University of Baghdad. ‫رى رشخٍص ودراضخ آنٍخ انًُى نجؼض أَىاع انطحبنت انًهزصمخ ثًحزهف أضطح انًىاد كىضظ نهًُى انًغًىرح‬. ‫ ثبنزصبلهب ػهى الأضطح انًغًىرح‬Oscillatoria sancta ‫ و‬elongatum. ‫ يٍ يدًىع‬%76.4 ‫(ػٍ ثمٍخ انطحبنت انًهزصمخ ػهى ضطح انمصت ثُطجخ‬Bacillariophyce Class). ‫ ثبنُطجخ نهطحبنت‬Merismopedia glauca ‫ و‬Oscillatoria sancta ‫ ضٍبدح طحهت‬%11.7 ‫وثُطجخ‬. ‫ انؼبئذح‬Spirogyra borgeana ‫ نطحهت‬%5.88 ‫ وثُطجخ‬، (Cyanophycea Class) ‫انخضر انًسرلخ‬. )Penale's Order( ‫ رًٍسد ررجخ انطحبنت انرٌشٍخ‬.)Chlorophycea Class) ‫نصف انطحبنت انخضر‬. ‫(ػٍ ررجخ انطحبنت‬Bacillariophyce Class) ‫ثىفرح انطحبنت انًهزصمخ انؼبئذح نصف انطحبنت انذاٌىرىيٍخ‬. ‫ ورًٍس ضطح انمصت ػٍ ضطح انسورق وانطٍٍ ثبنزصبق‬، ‫( انؼبئذح نُفص انصف‬Centrals Order)‫انًركسٌخ‬. ً‫ نزر ػهى انزىان‬/ ‫ يهغى‬16.8 ‫ و‬22.4 ‫ ثهغ رركٍس الايىٍَب وانُزراد‬. Oscillatoria ‫ و‬Oscillatoria boryana ‫نؼٍُخ انطٍٍ انزً ضبػذد ػهى ًَى انطحبنت ويُهب طحهت‬. ‫ خُص نًخزهف انصُىف انطحهجٍخ ثطٍبدح انطحبنت‬18 ‫ َىػب نـ‬25 ‫ ضدهذ انذراضخ دشخٍص‬. sancta

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