
Seeded lawns is one of the most important links in the process of improving the forage base, ensure feed quality with high productivity. Mixtures of red clover crops (Trifolium pratense) with perennial grasses (Lolium multiflorum, Phleum pratense and Poa pratensis) has high productivity due to better utilization of ecological niches of the biotope (ROTAR I.et al.). These crops has advantages like high content of protein because of the red clover, economy-based fertilizer nitrogen from atmospheric nitrogen fixation by bacteria Rhizobium spp. located in the root of legumes. These seeded pastures get a balanced feed nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids), have a high palatability. The species Trifolium pratense has a greater capacity to restore the soil structure and also the enrichment of the macro-elements, like phosphorus and potassium (CARLIER L., et. al).
 Our experience took place in the village Simonesti, Cobătesti village of the Harghita county. The experimental field was located respecting the experimental technique rules in randomized blocks with a technique that includes three variants based on red clover plus a perennial grass (Lolium multiflorum, Poa pratensis and Phleum pratense). Every version was fertilized with two types of fertilizer: one liquid (gull) and one solid (stable manure) in four different doses in all three variants. The doses were: V1 = 0 gull; V2 = 5 t / ha gull; V3 = 10 t / ha gull; V4 = 20 t / ha gulle and V1 = 0 stable manure; V2 = 10 t / ha stable manure; V3 = 30 t / ha stable manure and V4 = 50 t / ha stable manure. 
 In our studies we present the influence of fertilization with gull and stable manure on yield of green mass of all three variants. In general, both gull fertilization with manure favors grasses at the expense of installing legumes. The higher doses of fertilizer increase, the share of participant of grasses increases.

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