
<p>今日臺灣各直轄市、縣(市)政府均有騎樓整平計畫,但因建築管理、市區人行道管理、交通管理等行政管理單位不同,並涉及都市工程管溝問題,使騎樓整平改善各行其是。本研究從中央政府與臺北市政府騎樓之法令,及內政部營建署對各直轄市、縣(市)政府騎樓改善勘檢督導的資料進行分析,討論如何從法令及現實面執行改善。研究發現:1.騎樓整平問題主要包括無障礙法令界面整合不足、商家不願意配合、整平後仍被攤販占用等。2.內政部營建署對公共建築物及騎樓無障礙環境優化的重視,主要來自行政院身心障礙者權益促進委員會、行政院主計總處、內政部身心障礙者保護委員會、行政院人權推動小組、內政部部務會報部長指示、監察院的糾正,其中行政院主計總處將無障礙生活環境督導業務督導考核成果作為中央增減對各該縣市一般性補助款之參考依據,為重要的政策方向。在制定騎樓的無障礙環境優化計畫及修正相關無障礙法規上,內政部營建署於2017年制定「公共建築物及騎樓無障礙環境優化計畫」,並逐步修正,對騎樓整平改善有正面效果。3.臺北市的騎樓整平較為成功,分析成功因素除與臺北市的公共建築物無障礙法令因地制宜的修正,首長支持是重要因素,騎樓整平改善的現實面必須考量地方政府人力、經費與執行能力。4.本研究最後提出「騎樓整平無障礙環境改善計畫通則」,騎樓店家如因有高低差,依法必需設置避難層坡道及扶手,但受限於現況無法設置時,可參考該通則相關規定,設置活動式斜坡板、輪椅昇降臺、樓梯附掛式昇降座椅進行改善,建議未來此通則可提供各直轄市、縣(市)政府參考。</p> <p> </p><p>Currently, every municipality and county (city) government in Taiwan has plans for leveling of arcade walkways. However, due to different administrative units such as construction management, urban landscape sidewalks management, traffic management, etc. along with the problem of urban engineering management trenches, the improvement of the arcade walkway leveling has been performed as independent units. This study analyzed the Central Government and Taipei City Government’s Acts of the Building Arcade Walkway Leveling Act, and the data on the inspection and supervision of the construction of municipal and county (city) government arcade walkways by the Ministry of the Interior, to discuss how to implement the improvement from the aspects of law and reality. The study found that the walkway leveling problems of building arcades mainly includes inadequate integration of statutes regarding accessible, unwillingness of merchants to cooperate, and walkways being re-occupied by vendors after leveling. After comparison, we found Taipei City is relatively successful. The success factor, after analysis, shows in addition to the fact that laws and regulations can be amended according to local conditions, that the support of the chief executive is also an important factor. The reality of the leveling walkway improvement of building arcades must consider the manpower, funding, and execution capabilities of the local governments. This research finally puts forward some general rules for improving the accessible environment through arcade walkway leveling; that is, if the arcade walkways of stores have height differences, they must install floor ramps and handrails according to law, but if such facilities cannot be installed due to the current situation, they can refer to the general rule to set up movable ramps, wheelchair lifts, or stairs with hanging lift seats for improvement. It is suggested that this general rule can be provided for reference by county and city governments in the future.</p> <p> </p>

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