
The purpose of this paper is to study the use rules of drugs for lung diseases in internal medicine department of Xin'an Wang's family, discuss the compatibility of common drugs for lung diseases, guide clinical application, and inherit Xin'an medicine. By retrospective study on lung diseases cases in Wang's internal medicine works, the lung diseases and use frequency of common drugs treated by Wang's medicine were counted, and the systematic clustering and association rule analysis of common drugs were conducted by using SPSS Statistic 20 and SPSS Modeler 18.0, respectively. The results showed that asthma, cold and cough were the main lung diseases treated by Wang's medicine, and the commonly used medicines included antitussive and antiasthmatic drugs, spleen-invigorating and dampness-removing drugs, and expectorants. The medicine taste was mainly bitter, pungent and sweet, with cold and warm properties in a balanced way, without severely cold or hot herbs, mainly attributing to the lung and stomach meridians. In clustering analysis, 10 drug combinations were obtained; association analysis showed that two, three, four association rules respectively had 11, 21, and 10 groups, and each drug group had 11, 16, and 5 items. Core combinations: Poria, Armeniacae Semen Amarum, Asteris Radix et Rhizome, Coicis Semen, Farfarae Flos, Dendrobii Caulis, Perilla Frutescens, Stemonae Radix, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium, Cynanchi Stauntonii Rhizome et Radix, Meretricis Concha Cyclinae Concha, Belamcandae Rhizoma, and Pinelliae Rhizome. Xin'an Wang's medicine paid attention to the lung nature when treating lung diseases. Lung is a delicate organ, not resistant to coldness or heat, so severely cold or hot herbs shall not be used, and the clear and light drugs with functions of dispersing lung Qi, clearing phlegm evil, strengthening spleen, eliminating phlegm, and relieving cough and asthma are often used. Lung deficiency is a kind of deficiency of Qi and Yin, so both Qi and Yin shall be regulated. Deficiency of Yin would burn the lung and make the lung collaterals blocked. In this case, the lung collaterals shall be dredged for hemostasis. Long time of lung deficiency would hinder the distribution of body fluid, and lung shall be regulated to dissipate phlegm.

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