
A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of bovine mastitis, associated potential risk factors and major etiological agents of clinical and sub clinical mastitis under different management condition of pastoral, agro-pastoral, ranch and farm by using California mastitis test and bacteriology. A total of 384 lactating Borana cows in Did-tuyura ranch, Yabello Pastoral and dryland agriculture research center (YPDARC) dairy farm and three districts namely Gomole, Moyale and Yabello of Borana zone were included in the study. The study revealed that overall prevalence of mastitis were 47.4 % (182/384); out of which 12 % (46/384) clinical and 35.4 % (136/384) sub-clinical mastitis whereas prevalence at quarter level was 21.48% (330/1536) of which 3% (46/1536) and 18.48% (284/1536) were clinical and sub-clinical form respectively. From the total examined quarter, 3.5% (53) of quarters had blind quarter. Prevalence in pastoral and agro-pastoral herding system (extensive management system) at cow level and quarter level were 18.9% and 10.9% respectively while prevalence in Did-tuyura ranch and YPDARC dairy farm herding system (semi-intensive) were 20% and 7% at cow level and quarter level respectively. The prevalence of mastitis significantly (P<0.05) differed with parity, stage of lactation and body condition of lactating animals. From 330 California Mastitis Test (CMT) and clinically positive milk samples there was growth of bacteria on culture media observed only in 155 (46.97%). Out of this Staphylococcus aureus accounted for 59 (38.06%) isolates followed by Streptococcus species 33 (21.29%) and Coagulase negative Staphylococcus 30 (19.35%). Due to lack of proper managements of different risk factors major pathogenic microorganisms are isolated. Proper preventive and control strategy, awareness creation on key factors of mastitis, Regular screening and culling of chronically infected cows should be practiced.

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