
Many environmental damages are caused by humans, one of which is environmental damage due to waste. Waste is the residue of daily human activities. Almost all human activities produce waste, be it activities in residential areas, offices, and even activities on campus. Hasanuddin University is one of the campuses with various faculty buildings and offices that carry out various types of activities and produce various types of waste. The Faculty of Pharmacy is a faculty with a new building at Hasanuddin University. Waste management carried out by the faculty includes packaging, collection, and transportation. In contrast, waste processing is carried out, including composter, selling paper waste to waste banks, and burning dry leaf waste. To carry out good, organized, and proper waste management based on SNI 19-2454-2002, good operational waste management is needed. From the results of research and calculation of waste generation carried out under SNI-19-3964-1994, the largest composition of waste produced by the Pharmacy Faculty Building is plastic waste by 31% then followed by organic waste by 26%. The waste generation generated is 0.026 kg/person/day or 0.777 l/person/day. The waste management plan at the Faculty of Pharmacy Building is sorting, containerization, temporary collection, and transportation. For waste processing that is carried out is a composter, a plastic chopping machine, and a pyrolysis machine.

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