
The article is devoted to the study of the moral identity of a younger teenager. The author analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical grounds for the problem of the moral identity of a person, accepted in domestic and foreign pedagogy. The study is carried out in line with the axiological approach, during which the term “morality” is considered as a set of value orientations of an individual and the concept of “identity” as an awareness of one’s own uniqueness, on the one hand, and a sense of internal solidarity with social ideals, on the other. The author specifies the concept of “moral identity of a younger teenager” as a set of value characteristics of a person, which are formed through correlation of oneself with one’s age role, social status, existential essence in accordance with the moral norms inherent in social communities to which one feels one’s belonging and belonging, and on the basis of which relationships in the teenage community are built and independent vital decisions are made. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that a system of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the moral identity of a younger teenager has been developed. The article presents the methods: “Definition of moral concepts” according to L. S. Kolmogorova; Cattell test, 12PF/CPQ; scale of existence, ESK Frankl; method of M. Rokeach “Value orientations” as the most popular in the study of the moral identity of a person. The essential, substantive and diagnostic characteristics of the concept under study are scientifically substantiated. The shortcomings in the level of the moral identity formation of younger adolescents are revealed. The necessity of purposeful work are focused on spiritual, moral and cultural values formation which form the basis of self-organization of the activity and behavioral components of the identity of younger adolescents.

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