
The angular dependences of the differential cross sections of the 13C(d, p)14C reaction at the deuteron energy of 15.3MeV are presented according tomeasurements for the cases where the final nucleus is produced in the ground state (0+) and in the 1− excited state at 6.094 MeV. The angular distribution of protons corresponding to the sum 0+ (6.589 MeV) + 3− (6.728 MeV) + 0− (6.903 MeV) of states of the 14C nucleus that were not separated experimentally is also obtained. These experimental results are compared with their counterparts calculated by means of the FRESCO code for the mechanisms of neutron stripping and sequential neutron and dineutron transfer. The neutron and dineutron spectroscopic amplitudes are calculated for pure and mixed shell configurations. The best set of optical-potential parameters is determined for the entrance and exit reaction channels. It is shown that the neutron-stripping mechanismpermits describing themeasured angular distributions for all states of the 14C nucleus that were investigated here.

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