
The results of the study of the radial-circular method of gear cutting are presented. The cutting and shaping of teeth is carried out by a thin disc cutter under conditions of continuous generating, with a combination of axial feed of the cutter and its constructive radial movement due to eccentric installation on the spindle axis. The value of the eccentricity is determined by the gear module. A graph-analytical model was used to calculate the parameters of the cuts, and the cutting force and torque on the cutter axis were modeled using these data. It was found that the cutting process is characterized by significant load variations. The areas of maximum tool wear were predicted. It is shown that for under the same initial conditions, the cutting time using this method is two times less than the time of hobbing. Since a disc cutter can cut gears in a wide range of modules, this process is one of the most versatile. This method opens up great possibilities for the restoration and repair of gears and drives manufactured to standards other than those adopted in Europe.

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