
6689 Objective.- NHL is the 5th leading cause of cancer mortality in Peru and it is well known that some virus are associated to NHL like EBV for Burkitt and posttransplantation lymphoma as well as HTLV-I for ATLL. There are emerging virus related to NHL like HCV, CMV, HIV, and HSV. The purpuse of this study is to know the prevalence of IgG and IgM viral seropositivity or by ELISA in some cases in new NHL patients. Patients and Methods.- We collect 60 new patients with confirmed NHL by pathology at Guillermo Almenara Hospital and HMC from 6/99 to 6/02, we took a blood sample for analizing the seropositivity measuring the level of IgG and IgM for HSV-I, HSV-II, EBV and CMV or by ELISA for HCV, HTLV-I and HIV. We do not accept NHL patients already in chemotherapy because many of them could have been infected by some of these virus during the neutropenic period. Results.- Tabla I.- Seropositivity by virus Tabla II.- Patient's Features Conclusions.- It is remarkable the high incidence of T cell and extranodal NHL, different from the epidemiology of NHL in occidental countries. On the other hand the HTLV-I infection (15%) is extremely high but we do not found any ATLL. Finally the memory of B cells of viral infections, expressed in high levels of IgG is important for EBV and HSV-I (75% and 78% respectevely); and for acute infection EBV 10% and CMV 7%. We need a case-control study to determine the significance of these results as well as molecular analisis in order to know if the insertion of viral genome is really in the lymphoma cells. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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