
This paper analyzes the development and production of modern unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It is noted that they have the following main systems: glider; propulsion system; power supply system; management system; navigation system; telemetry system; radio communication system. All UAV systems are interconnected and work as one complex mechanism. Depending on the list of combat tasks to be solved, the following devices can be additionally installed on board the UAV: optical-electronic, thermal imaging, radar, radiotechnical, radiation, chemical, bacteriological and other types of reconnaissance systems with small intelligence storage systems; means of setting active radio-electronic jammers; means of aiming and adjusting guided weapons; various means of defeat; means of control and communication with the ground control point; responsible for the state identification system; autonomous flight and automatic landing devices. The work reveals the features of the UAV engine design, it is noted that 4, 6 or more engines are installed on modern helicopter-type UAVs, so-called "multicopters", "quadracopters", "drones". In this work, it is noted that the UAV navigation equipment can have various level of complexity and use several signals coming from sensors of different physical origins to calculate its location. The features of the UAV radio communication system are revealed, which is a set of various lines through which intelligence information of various levels of importance and protection is transmitted. All communication links can use different frequency bands and different relay modes, use different signal-code designs, specially adapted to the importance of the intelligence information being transmitted. It was noted that in the absence of a control command, the UAV goes into autonomous flight mode.

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