
Background: The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a clinical disorder characterized by injury to the alveolar epithelium and endothelial barriers of the lung, acute inflammation, and protein rich pulmonary edema leading to respiratory failure. Present study was carried out to investigate the mortality pattern of ALI/ARDS in the patients and to study the etiological factors leading to ALI/ARDS also to study the clinical pattern in patients with ALI/ARDS.Methods: All patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria as per the 1994 American European Consensus Conference on ARDS/ALI definition of ARDS/ALI were included in the study. On clinical examination the vital parameters were recorded. The respiratory system, abdominal, cardiovascular and central nervous systems were examined in detail. The severity of the illness was measured by the acute physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) Score, Multiple Organ Dysfunction score (MODS), lung injury score (LIS) and Sequential Organ Dysfunction Assessment (SOFA score). These scores were calculated on admission to our intensive care unit.Results: Out of the 65 patients 35 survived and 30 died. A multiple organ dysfunction Score of less than or equal to 4 was seen in 29 patients and more than 4 in 36 patient and a score of less than or equal to 4 was seen in 21 survivors and 8 dead patients, while a score of more than four was found in 14 patients who survived versus 22 patients who died. A lung injury score of less than or equal to 2 was seen in patients and more than 2 in 46 patients and a score of less than or equal to 2 was seen in 14 survivors and 5 non-survivors patients, while a score of more than 2 was found in 21 patients who survived versus 25 patients who died.Conclusions: The commonest etiological conditions leading to ALI/ARDS are pneumonia and tropical diseases including malaria, leptospirosis and dengue. The scoring systems, MODS, LIS and APACHE II are good indicators of the outcome of this condition. They are useful in tropical diseases as well.

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