
The present study aims to investigate the morphological,anatomical and histological eye development of the swiss albino micemus musculus. The eye development initiated at early stage of pregnancyand continued and represented for twelve stages, each stage per one day.At full term delivery, the eye was closed and incomplete indifferentjation. The first signal of optic vesicle primordium appeared inthe first stage at th day of pregnancy and continued with enlargement inthe second stage. The optic vesicles was invaginated, at the 3 rd stage toform the optic cup. At the same time, the lens primordium (Lensplacodes) appeared. In the 4th stage, the two layers of optic cupdifferentiated and the lens disc involuted to form, The lens vesicle thefirst retinal signal appeared at the 5th stage were ganglion cells. At the 6thstage, several features appeared which include bruche 's· membrane,choroid fissure, optic nerve primordium and spherical lens with lens fiber.Then inner plexiform layer of the retina differentiated at the th stage. Thechoroid and scleral tunics as well as the retinal nerve fiber layer appearedat the gth stage. The cornea and iris primordia as well as the pigmentepithelial cells of the retina appeared at the 9th stage. At the 1oth stage theoptic nerve emerged from the ventral side of the eye ball. The distinctfeatures of the 11th stage were the appearance of the outer neural retina assyncitiallayer with the differentiation of inner nerve fiber layers. On theother hand, the eye chambers, and the differentiation of inner nuclearretinal layer and the outer plexiform layer were developed at the laststage.


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