
Qualitative composition and content of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in cherry (Prunus cerasus) fruits extract have been studied by HPLC, system Shimadzu LC-20 Prominence module system equipped with LC-20AD quaternary pump, ???-20? column oven, SIL-20A autosampler, SPD-M20A diode-array detector, Luna C 18 (4.6mm×150mm, i.d. 5 mkm) column from Phenomenex®. 5 phenolic compounds were identified as flavonoid glycosides and hydroxycinnamic acids: chlorogenic acid (1.88%), quercitrin (1.69%), and rutin (1.11%) in high amount. It also contains tannins: gallic acid (0.07%), and catechin (0.23%). The total amount of determined phenolic compounds in cherry extract was 4.99%. The ratio of flavonoids to hydroxycinnamic acids was 3:2. Toxicity, diuretic activity, rheological properties of blood and membrane stabilizing activity were determined. Rats were randomly divided into 2 groups: control group (given water) and experimental group (given Cherry extract). Results show diuretic, hypouricosemic, and membrane-stabilizing effects due to improvement of kidney filtration and suppressing water reabsorption, excretion of uric acid and creatinine from the body and reducing the degree of hemolysis of red blood cells and preventing damage to erythrocyte membranes. Therefore, according to our study, cherry fruit extract might potentially be used in treatment of various chronic diseases (e.g. gout).

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