
Background/Objectives: The purpose of this research is to examine the indicators of the autolysis process (chemical composition, microbiological analysis, pH, water-binding ability, tissue enzymes activity, technological properties) to select the optimal timing of red deer meat maturation before using it in meat products. Methods: Experimental study was held in a comparative aspect with beef. Determination of microbiological indicators of the samples was performed by the method of bacteriological analysis. The glycogen content of the tissue samples was determined by qualitative reaction with anthrone chemical agent. Home-produced рН-meter millivoltmeter рН-150 was used for potentiometric measurements of active acidity in meat. To identify activity of proteinases the Anson's method modified was applied. Shear force was measured with the help of the PM-3 device. Water-binding ability was determined by compaction method. Weight loss in the end products was determined by weight method. Findings: The research showed that the behavior of protein substances in the process of autolysis is determined by meat рН and glycolysis intensity. The studies of water-binding ability and structural-mechanical properties of red deer meat in the process of autolysis are consistent with findings on myofibrillar proteins solubility. The study showed that the resolution of rigor mortis process takes place on the sixth day in red deer meat, and on the third-fourth day in beef. Comparative analysis of the nutritional value showed that red deer meat differs from beef by almost all indicators. Thus, moisture content in red deer meat is greater by 5,58% than in beef, protein content slightly prevails in red deer meat as compared to beef - by 0,96%. Fat content in red deer meat is much different from beef - 1,21% against 9,59%, since fat in red deer carcasses largely concentrates in the croup area. Applications/Improvements: Determination of chemical composition and biological value of trimmed red deer meat showed that it matches quality indicators of other kinds of meat and can be used in producing health products.

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