
Seedlings of 286 varieties or strains of various species belonging to Trib. Hordeeae (Agropyrot2, Elylnus, Hordeum, Triticum, Aegilops, Aegilotricum., Lolium), Bromeae (Bromus) and Agrosteae (Aue;ea and Holcus) including 105 strains of cultivated oats were tested with Puccilcia coroleata CORDA f. sp. Avenae 231. The experimental results are summarized as follows : 1) 10 species of Agropyron, 5 species of Elymus, 15 species of Triticum, 5 selections of Aegilotricum, 2 selections of Agrotricum, 2 species of Lolium, 17 species of Bro, , tus and I species of Holcus were found to be highly resistant or immu.ne to Puccinia coronata f. sp. Avenae 231. 2) Among 36 varieties or strains of 9 species of Hordeum, I strain of Hordeum agriocrithon var. eu-agriocrithon, I strain of H. Gussoneanum, 4 varieties or strains of H. spo, etaneum and two varieties or strains of H. vulgare were resistant (Infection type 1), while the other were highly resistant' or immune.

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