
All varieties of sweet corn, in the seedling stage, are susceptible to frit fly attacks in England.Different open-pollinated, hybrid and inbred varieties differ in susceptibility to damage by frit, indicating a possible genetical basis for resistance. Some breeders have produced less susceptible types than others.Susceptibility is not associated with adaptability or maturity (i.e., comparative earliness when whole rows were ready for picking) of varieties but there is indication that seed origin is of some importance.Sowing sweet corn at different dates influences the severity of attack. Peaks vary according to variety and year but generally sowings late in May are preferable.Distribution of attack on a crop is at random, although there is a suggestion that plants in stringers from a central mass are mere damaged in the direction of the prevailing wind but there is no regular decrease in incidence with distance from the central mass.Methods of tackling the frit fly problem include growing sweet corn in frit free areas, timing sowing dates, using prophylactic measures and breeding more resistant strains on genetical principles.

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