
A basic meal consumed by people all over the world, wheat is traded more globally than all other crops combined. Tilletia indica is the cause of Karnal bunt, also known as "Partial bunt," which affects wheat and is one of the most significant seed-borne diseases. It has significant effects on the wheat trade because most importing nations require that there be no trace of Karnal bunt in wheat imported. To assess responses to disease, ten different genotypes of wheat were sown in matched rows. We planted K1006 and PBW343, two susceptible checks, following each genotype. An athichmist was established for a duration of thirty days, and all suggested agricultural practices were adhered to. The genotypes that demonstrated resistance to the pathogen (below 10% disease intensity) were PBW 343 and K-1006 (2 genotypes). The genotypes with a modest response were K-9107 and K-9162 (two genotypes with a score below 15%). The reactivity of the K793 and K 9006 2 genotypes was somewhat sensitive (below 40% score). The genotypes K9465 HD 2824, K0307, and C306 all showed extremely sensitive reactivity (score exceeding 40%).

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