
The ultrastructure of the amniotic epithelium at term was examined in cases of intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus and compared with amnions obtained from women with a clinically unremarkable pregnancy. In uterine growth retardation the amniotic cells exhibit a general deficiency of a series of functionally significant cell organelles. The RER is insufficiently developed, there is a diminution of the normally numerous free ribosomes as well as of those cell organelles which are involved in secretory function. A further atypical finding is the common lack of intercellular canals playing an important role in the transamniotic exchange of material. Besides this, a very poor development or a complete disintegration of the microfilamentous cytoskelet is generally noticed. The present findings give once again evidence for a very close relation between the structural appearance of the intercellular diffusion canals and the microfilamentous system. The results presented are suggestive of an amnion which is in a state of reduced secretory activity, additionally, due to the common lack of intercellular canals an inhibition of the interepithelial passage between the maternal and amniotic compartment cannot be excluded.

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