
In a survey of four major groundnut growing blocks of the Hooghly district of West Bengal forty-three samples of soil were sampled for the purpose of studying the occurrence and distribution of rhizospheric nematodes population. Community study revealed presence of six nematode genera viz., Criconemoides, Rotylenchulus, Tylenchorhynchus, Meloidogyne, Hirschmanniella, and Pratylenchus in the rhizosphere of groundnut crop. Most predominant phytonematode in groundnut has been identified as Criconemoides sp. which is followed by Rotylenchulus and Tylenchorhynchus. The species of nematodes such as Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne javanica were identified. Criconemoides sp. and Tylenchorhynchus mashhoodi were recorded highest from Chiladangi area of Pursurah block of Hooghly district. Meloidogyne incognita was recorded maximum from Haripal block. Rotylenchulus reniformis was also recorded in huge number from Samanta Road areas of Pursurah block. Apart from these plant parasitic nematodes, mononchids (especially Mylonchulus sp.) the predatory nematodes and saprophytic nematodes have also shown their presence in the population of the wide ranged nematodes associated with groundnut crop.

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