
Protein isolate from green gram (Phaseolus aureus) was prepared and the chemical composition was determined. It contained 64.04% protein, 1.8% total lipids, 27.64% total carbohydrates, 1.68% crude fibre and 4.84% ash. Iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium and sodium were determined. The limiting amino acid in the protein isolate was lysine. In vitro digestibility pepsin followed the pancretion was the highest and the lowest was the digestion by pepsin alone. Water absorption, oil absorption, emulsion capacity and nitrogen solubility index (NSI) of the protein isolate were 2.26g/g, 1.24g/g, 31.4g/g and 6.8g/g, respectively. For comparison the same functional properties were determined for the flour of green gram. Replacing 5 and 10% of the wheat flour with green gram flour improved the mixing properties of dough and produced good acceptable bread. However, the addition of 15% green gram flour weakened the dough and lowered the quality of bread. Replacing 2.5, 5 and 7.5% of wheat flour with protein concentrate also weakened the mixing properties of the wheat dough and decreased the bread quality.

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