
The external morphology and internal structure of the male sexual tube of the hermit crab Micropagurus acantholepis, a member of the family Paguridae from Australian waters, is described in detail using histological thick sectioning and scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. This is the first in-depth study of a sexual tube in the Paguroidea, a group where a remarkable number of genera (55.9% in the family Paguridae) with species having these intriguing sexual structures are known. In M. acantholepis a sexual tube is present on the left side, whereas only a gonopore is present on the right side. The tube is used for the delivery of spermatophores to the female and consists of a sheath of cuticular origin surrounding an internal, functional extension of the posterior vas deferens. Pedunculate spermatophores were observed within the lumen and partially extruding from the terminal opening of the tube in preserved specimens. The tube protrudes from the left coxa of the fifth pereopod as an elongate 3-mm-long, hollow, coiled structure with a terminal opening. Exteriorly the tube consists of a conspicuous thick chitinous cuticular ridge throughout its length, and a thin chitinous cuticle with sparse, regularly arranged simple setae. Interior to the cuticle, the tube contains loose connective tissue, secretory cells, oblique muscle, circular muscle, and epithelial cells. The latter cells line a central lumen that runs the length of the sexual tube. The morphology, cellular composition, and function of the tube are discussed.

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