
Duck erythrocytes were incubated with [3H]acetate both in the presence and absence of sodium butyrate. Subsequent perchloric acid extraction of the nuclei, followed by selective acetone precipitation, CM-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration yielded radioactively labeled high mobility group (HMG) proteins HMG-14 and HMG-17 in pure form. Extensive enzymatic degradation of the proteins followed by amino acid analysis of the digests yielded a significant amount of material eluting in the position of epsilon-N-acetyllysine. Furthermore, automated Edman degradation of intact 3H-labeled HMG-14 and HMG-17 identified the specific sites of acetylation of these proteins. In both erythrocyte HMGs isolated from cells not exposed to butyrate, the lysine residue at position 2 was the only one found to be labeled. However, one additional site in HMG-14 and two additional sites in HMG-17 were found in the proteins from cells incubated in butyrate. Finally, studies of the enzymatic deacetylation of HMG-14 and HMG-17 confirmed that both nuclear proteins serve as deacetylase substrates and that butyrate inhibits their deacetylation, just as in the case of other HMG proteins and nucleosomal core histones.


  • From the Department of Cell Biology, The Rockefeller [9] chromatin

  • Recent data have indicated that HMG-14 and Subsequentperchloricacidextraction of thenuclei, HMG-17 can partially inhibit the activity of protein deacetyfollowed by selective acetone precipitation, CM-Sephadex ion exchange chromatography, andgel filtration yieldedradioactivelylabeled high mobilitygroup (HMG) proteins HMG-14 and HMG-17 in pure form

  • Radioactive Labeling and Isolation of HMG Proteins-The HMG proteins were preparedfromduckerythrocytes which had been incubatedwithsodium["Hlacetate in the presence and absenceof sodium butyrate.A final purification step employing Sephadex G-50 gel filtration proved to be an effective method for separating either HMG-14 or HMG-17 from contaminatinpgroteins which remained in small amounts following CM-Sephadex chromatography.The result FIG. 1

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Enzymatic Deacetylation of Radioactive HMG Proteins-Identification of the Sites of Acetylation in HMG-14 and The ability of [:'H]acetate-labeled HMG proteins to serve as HMG-17-Automated Edman degradation through the first substrates for calf thymus deacetylasewas tested by incuba- Obtained for HMG-1 and histone H4 were virtually identical Such high levels of deacetylase activity would be expected to to those reported earlier [28],with 40% and 92% of the total complicate studies of [3H]acetyllysineformation in the HMG counts released, respectively, after a 1-h incubation with the proteins as well as in erythrocyte histones.

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