
Introduction. The writer9s interest in this field was stimulated by his success in artificially inducing poison ivy hypersensitiveness in rhesus monkeys and by the striking similarity of the induced lesions to those observed in humans (1). The first work on local passive sensitization of the skin of monkeys with human reaginic sera was published by Grove in 1928. Monkeys of the ringtail variety and also two chimpanzees were used in her attempt to induce local sensitization of the skin with human serum by the method of Prausnitz and Kustner. The skin of the monkey9s thigh or abdomen was injected with 0.2 cc. of the sensitizing human serum. The following day the site was tested for the presence of reagins with an extract of the related atopen (ragweed, horse serum, Le Page9s glue, and cottonseed). Grove (2) described her results as follows: Without going into details, the results of local skin sensitization of the lower monkeys are on the whole negative.

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