
One of the most pressing global problems today is the prevention of environmental crises is achieved only through targeted actions of people. In this regard, the search for ways out of the environmental crisis is being carried out, which is reflected in the laws "On environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Emergencies of natural and technogenic character ", as well as in state documents dedicated to environmental issues. as the "National Action Plan for Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development" adopted in our country. An environmental crisis is not the result of some mistakes in the technical or social development of society, it is a manifestation of a cultural crisis, which includes the relationship of people with each other and the system of interaction between society and nature. To get out of it, people need to master new value-normalized relationships, expand their environmental outlook, change the motto “economic efficiency” of society as a whole to “environmental efficiency.” We believe that it is necessary to develop a new system of continuous environmental education and training to support these new trends and changes in cognitive / by cognitive /, value and practical orientation of the content of education. From this point of view, we tried to study the bioecological characteristics of plants in the Aral region of the Kyzylorda region as a regional component of teaching biology and to include the results obtained in the educational process. Studying the biology and ecology of plants in the Aral region of the Kyzylorda region, students express their patriotic feelings before their homeland, responsibility and views on nature conservation. Keywords: Aral region, environmental education, educational process, teacher training.

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