
The purpose of this study was to determine distribution and abundance macrozoobenthos at Tangerang coastal waters, Banten. Study was carried out from April to August 2013 at Tangerang coastal waters, Banten with purposive sampling method and similarity Bray Curtis analysis using minitab.v15.1.2-Equinox softwere. A total of 5458 individuals macrozoobenthos were recorded during the study, its were belonging to 74 species The abundances of macrozoobenthos at Tanjung Pasir location was 634 ind/m2 dominated by Tellina palatum and Tellina timorensis, Kronjo location was 595 ind/m2 dominated by Codakia puncata and lower macrozoobenthos Cituis location was 177 ind/m2 dominated by Clitellio arenarius and Codakia puncata. The spatial distributin based on similarity Bray-Curtis analysis showed that the Kronjo, Cituis, and Tanjung Pasir locations generate four, three, and five groups, respectively. Nuculana bicuspidata dan Ophryotrocha puerilis was a cosmopolite macrozoobenthos were found at all locations. Generaly, the macrozoobenthos distribution at Tangerang coastal waters were strongly depended on the types of sedimen and dissolved oxygen concentration


  • A total of 5458 individuals macrozoobenthos were recorded during the study

  • its were belonging to 74 species The abundances of macrozoobenthos

  • m2 dominated by Tellina palatum

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Pengolahan data komunitas makrozoobentos meliputi kepadatan (K), keanekaramanan Shennon indexs (H’), keseragaman (E) dan dominasi (D) (Clarke dan Warwick, 2001), dengan rumus sebagai berikut: Kepadatan makrozoobentos (K). Dengan: K = Kepadatan makrozoobentos (ind/m2), ni = Jumlah makrozoobentos yang ditemukan (individu), A = Luas bukaan alat (cm2) dan Nilai 10.000 merupakan konversi dari cm ke m2. Dimana Dengan: H’= Indeks keanekaragaman jenis, S = jumlah spesies yang menyusun komunitas, Pi = rasio antara jumlah individu spesies ke i dengan jumlah individu dalam komunitas, ni = jumlah individu spesies ke- i dan N = jumlah individu dalam komunitas Indeks keseragaman (E). Dengan: E = Indeks Keseragaman, H’ = Indeks keanekaragaman jenis, Hmaksimum= Indeks keanekaragaman masimum, S = jumlah taxa Indeks dominasi (D). Dengan: D = indeks dominasi, = rasio antara jumlah individu spesies ke-i ( ), N= jumlah individu dalam komunitas. Analisis data multivatiat similarity Bray Curtis untuk mengetahui sebaran pengelompokan makrozoobentos (Brower et al, 1990) dengan bantuan softwere MINITAB.v15.1.2-EQUiNOX

Hasil dan Pembahasan Komunitas makrobentos
Indeks Keanekaragaman
Baku Mutu*
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