
Our recent experimental data on iron-sulfur clusters and semiquinones in the complex I segment of the respiratory chain is presented, focusing on the Paracoccus (P.) denitrificans and bovine heart studies. The iron-sulfur cluster N2 has attracted the attention of investigators in the research field of complex I, since the mid-point redox potential of this cluster is the highest among all clusters in complex I, and is pH dependent (60 mV/pH). It is known that this cluster is located either in the NQO6 (NuoB in E. coli/PSST in bovine heart nomenclature) or in the NQO9 (NuoI/TYKY) subunit in the amphipathic domain of complex I. Our preliminary data indicate that the cluster N2 is located in the NuoB rather than the long-advocated NuoI subunit, and may have a unique ligand structure. We previously reported spin-spin interactions between cluster N2 and two distinct species of semiquinone (designated SQ Nf and SQ Ns) associated with complex I. A parallel intensity change was observed between the SQ Nf ( g=2.00) signal and the N2 split g ∥ signal, further supporting our proposed interaction between SQ Nf and N2 spins.

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