
The aim of this case series report is to provide a new topical view of styletubation (video intubating stylet technique) in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgeries. In contrast to various conventional direct laryngoscopes (DLs), videolaryngoscopes (VLs) have been applied in such obese populations with potentially difficult airway complications. The safety and effectiveness of VLs have been repeatedly studied, and the superiority of VLs has then been observed in and advocated for routine use. In this article, among our vast use experiences with styletubation (more than 54,998 patients since 2016) for first-line routine tracheal intubation, we present the unique experience to apply the styletubation technique in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Consistent with the experiences applied in other patient populations, we found the styletubation technique itself to be swift (the time to intubate from 5 s to 24 s), smooth (first-attempt success rate: 100%), safe (no airway complications), and easy (high subjective satisfaction). The learning curve is steep, but competency can be enhanced if technical pitfalls can be avoided. We, therefore, propose that the styletubation technique can be feasibly and routinely applied as a first-line airway modality in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery.

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