
The Rhodope Metamorphic Complex is a stack of allochthons assembled during obduction, subduction, and collision processes from Jurassic to Paleogene and overprinted by extensional detachment faults since Middle Eocene. In the study area, the following nappes occur in superposition (from base to top): an orthogneiss-dominated unit (Unit I), garnet-bearing schist with amphibolite and serpentinite lenses (Unit II), greenschist, phyllite, and calcschist with reported Jurassic microfossils (Unit III), and muscovite-rich orthogneiss (Unit IV). U–Pb dating of zircons from a K-feldspar augengneiss (Unit I) yielded a protolith age of ca. 300 Ma. Garnet-bearing metasediment from Unit II yielded an age spectrum with distinct populations between 310 and 250 Ma (detrital), ca. 150 Ma, and ca. 69 Ma (the last two of high-grade metamorphic origin). An orthogneiss from Unit IV yielded a wide spectrum of ages. The youngest population gives a concordia age of 581 ± 5 Ma, interpreted as the age of the granitic protolith. Unit I represents the Lower Allochthon (Byala Reka-Kechros Dome), Unit II the Upper Allochthon (Krumovitsa-Kimi Unit), Unit III the Uppermost Allochthon (Circum-Rhodope Belt), and Unit IV a still higher, far-travelled unit of unknown provenance. Telescoping of the entire Rhodope nappe stack to a thickness of only a few 100 m is due to Late Eocene north directed extensional shearing along the newly defined Kulidzhik Detachment which is part of a major detachment system along the northern border of the Rhodopes. Older top-to-the south mylonites in Unit I indicate that Tertiary extension evolved from asymmetric (top-to-the-south) to symmetric (top-to-the-south and top-to-the-north), bivergent unroofing.

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