
The discourse of introductions in the books of the Arab heritage is ‎considered one of the introductory texts that has not received its share of ‎critical studies in studying the text itself, as it represents a discourse that ‎has a special structure that distinguishes it from other texts. He does not ‎consider it an intermediary discourse between the originating book and its ‎predecessors in the field of art itself, or between the author and a group of ‎real and supposed recipients; Rather, it is a discourse that lies in its ‎external structure and its internal components, technical, cognitive, and ‎communicative functions.‎ These introductions present the text to be conveyed to the recipient (the ‎subject and material of the book); But it is not an excess of leftovers; It is ‎above its structure linked to its cultural and historical pattern, and with the ‎norms of the literary genre, it is an important mediation for the recipient ‎that contributes to the way the text is received.‎ The discourse of introductions in the literary heritage books has special ‎verbal norms with argumentative and persuasive dimensions that are ‎subject to discursive strategies that are directly and closely related to the ‎traditions of the literary institution that are formed within cultural norms that ‎soon turn into a system that forms a structural framework in general, in ‎Arabic heritage is almost one preface. Literary books in particular.‎ This research aims to study the discourse of introductions to literary ‎heritage books through a set of models to reveal the general (mother) ‎structure of those introductions, and the special structures (which appear ‎through the models under study).‎ Our study will be based on a set of these introductions in the literary ‎heritage books; They are: Kitab al-Amali by Abu Ali al-Qali, Evidence of ‎Miracles by Abd al-Qaher al-Jurjani, Uyun al-Akhbar by Ibn Qutayba al-‎Dinuri, Kitab al-Faraj after hardship for al-Tanukhi, and al-Mustajad from ‎the verbs of a virtuous one, al-Tanukhi, Book of Controversies on the ‎Commentary of Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi’s Diwan, Maqamat al-Hariri, ‎Introduction by Ibn al-Muqaffa in Kalila wa Dimna, layers of theologian ‎poets and among the advanced writers of Ibn Al-Moataz.‎ In this study, we attempt to answer the following question:‎ What are the structures that govern the discourse of introductions? What ‎are the functions of this introductory letter?‎

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