
Objective To study the practice nurses' emotional structure so as to develope questionnaire of practice nurses' emotion.Methods Subjects were randomly selected in hospitals in Delian,Through open questionnaires and interviews,the exploratory factor analysis,and confirmatory factor analysis,we established professional nurses students emotional structure and designed the questionnaire.Results Effectively predicted sample test data results,item analysis,deleted the title or the multiple correlation squared less than 0.30,then 33 questions were randomly re-arrangement and formated the Practical Nurse Health Professional Sensibility Questionnaire.Exploratory factor analysis results showed that the test of sphericity reached significant level,and suitable for factor analysis.The variance of the maximum rotation was used,deleted some items according to the principle of factor analysis,and finally retain 25 items,among which,3 root factors were taken,and the cumulative explain rate was 51.220%,variation explained of the factors were 27.238%,13.034%,8.946%,respectively.Amos 7.0 software confirmatory factor analysis,x2/df was 1.715,less than 2 ; of RMR was 0.095,RMSEA of 0.059,in the acceptable range; CFI,of IFI value of greater than 0.90,the proposed together well,AGFI,GFI greater than 0.80.Practice Nurses Health P rofessional Sensibility Questionnaire that homogeneity reliability was between 0.771-0.927,split-half reliability between 0.621-0.928,test-retest reliability between 0.719-0.844,so the questionnaire bad good reliability indicators,each dimension and the scores of the correlation coefficient between the three dimensions reached significant level (P <0.01),practice nurses,students professional sensibility questionnaire had good content validity.Conclusions (1) Practice nurse professional emotion includes three dimensions,those are sense of responsibility,emotional experience and career motivation.(2)Practice nurse professional emotion questionnaire has good reliability,validity indicators,and can be used to measure professional nursing students emotion. Key words: Practice nurse; Career emotion; Structure; Evaluation tool

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