
GeTe1−xSex (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) alloys have been prepared both in bulk and thin film forms to study the effect of selenium (Se) substitution for tellurium (Te) on the phase change properties. It is observed that with increasing Se substitution in GeTe, the structure transforms from rhombohdral structure to orthorhombic structure. Rietveld Refinement analysis support the phase transformation and show that the short and long bond lengths in crystalline GeTe decrease with increasing Se substitution but the rate of reduction of shorter bond length is more than the longer bond length. The GeTe1−xSex thin films undergo amorphous to crystalline phase change when annealed at high temperatures. The transition temperature shows an increasing trend with the Se substitution. The contrast in electrical resistivity between the amorphous and crystalline states is 104 for GeTe, and with the Se substitution, the contrast increases considerably to 106 for GeTe0.5Se0.5. Devices fabricated with thin films show that the threshold current decreases with the Se substitution indicating a reduction in the power required for WRITE operation. The present study shows that the crystalline structure, resistance, bandgap, transition temperature and threshold voltage of GeTe can be effectively controlled and tuned by the substitution of Te by Se, which is conducive for phase change memory applications.

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