
Single crystals of pure and l-Proline (LP) C5H9NO2 doped ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) (NH4) H2PO4 were grown by slow evaporation solution technique (SEST) at ambient conditions. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) analysis was carried out to confirm the crystal structure and no additional phase was observed due to doping except a systematic variation in peak intensities. FT-Raman analysis also confirms that there is no additional phase formation due to doping. Fourier transform infrared spectral analysis was done to examine the presence of various functional groups in the grown crystals. UV–VIS–NIR spectroscopic analysis was carried out to see the change in optical transparency of pure ADP and crystals due to LP with different doping concentrations. The high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) analysis was carried out to examine the crystalline perfection and observed reasonable changes with LP doping. Second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency measurement was done to examine the enhancement in the nonlinear optical characteristics of the grown crystals. The dielectric behavior of the samples shows that the dielectric constant decreased with increase the value of frequency. The effect of LP dopant on crystal morphology, mechanical properties of ADP has also been presented in this paper. The above studies reveal the effect of incorporation of LP into the lattice of ADP crystals.

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