
Multiferroic Bi1−xLaxFeO3 [BLFO (x)] ceramics with x = 0.10–0.50 and Mn‐doped BLFO (x = 0.30) ceramics with different doping contents (0.1–1.0 mol%) were prepared by solid‐state reaction method. They were crystallized in a perovskite phase with rhombohedral symmetry. In the BLFO (x) system, a composition (x)‐driven structural transformation (R3c→C222) was observed at x = 0.30. The formation of Bi2Fe4O9 impure phase was effectively suppressed with increasing the x value, and the rhombohedral distortion in the BLFO ceramics was decreased, leading to some Raman active modes disappeared. A significant red frequency shift (~13 cm−1) of the Raman mode of 232 cm−1 in the BLFO ceramics was observed, which strongly perceived a significant destabilization in the octahedral oxygen chains, and in turn affected the local FeO6 octahedral environment. In the Mn‐doped BLFO (x = 0.30) ceramics, the intensity of the Raman mode near 628 cm−1 was increased with increasing the Mn‐doping content, which was resulted from an enhanced local Jahn–Teller distortions of the (Mn,Fe)O6 octahedra. Electron microscopy images revealed some changes in the ceramic grain sizes and their morphologies in the Mn‐doped samples at different contents. Wedge‐shaped 71° ferroelectric domains with domain walls lying on the {110} planes were observed in the BLFO (x = 0.30) ceramics, whereas in the 1.0 mol% Mn‐doped BLFO (x = 0.30) samples, 71° ferroelectric domains exhibited a parallel band‐shaped morphology with average domain width of 95 nm. Dielectric studies revealed that high dielectric loss of the BLFO (x = 0.30) ceramics was drastically reduced from 0.8 to 0.01 (measured @ 104 Hz) via 1.0 mol% Mn‐doping. The underlying mechanisms can be understood by a charge disproportion between the Mn4+ and Fe2+ in the Mn‐doped samples, where a reaction of Mn4+ + Fe2+→Mn3+ + Fe3+ is taken place, resulting in the reduction in the oxygen vacancies and a suppression of the electron hopping from Fe3+ to Fe2+ ions effectively.

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