
In this study, irregularity measures from MR images of corpus callosal brain structures in healthy and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) conditions are extracted and their association with Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) biomarkers are analyzed. For this, MR images of healthy controls, Early MCI (EMCI) and Late MCI (LMCI) subjects are considered from a public database. The considered images are preprocessed and corpus callosal structure is segmented. Structural irregularity measures are extracted from the segmented regions using Fourier analysis. Statistical tests are performed to identify the significant features which can characterize the MCI stages. Association of these measures with CSF amyloid beta and tau concentrations are further investigated. Results demonstrate that Fourier spectral analysis is able to characterize the non-periodic variations in the corpus callosal structures of healthy, EMCI and LMCI MR images. The callosal irregularity measures increase as the disease progresses from healthy to LMCI. Phosphorylated tau concentrations in CSF demonstrate a positive correlation with irregularity measures across the diagnostic groups. Significant association of callosal measures and amyloid beta levels are found to be absent in MCI stages. As corpus callosal structural irregularities due to early MCI condition and their association with CSF markers remain uncharacterized in the literature, this study seems to be clinically significant for the timely intervention of pre-symptomatic MCI stages.

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