
The prebiotic synthesis of ribonucleotides is likely to have been accompanied by the synthesis of noncanonical nucleotides including the threo-nucleotide building blocks of TNA. Here, we examine the ability of activated threo-nucleotides to participate in nonenzymatic template-directed polymerization. We find that primer extension by multiple sequential threo-nucleotide monomers is strongly disfavored relative to ribo-nucleotides. Kinetic, NMR and crystallographic studies suggest that this is due in part to the slow formation of the imidazolium-bridged TNA dinucleotide intermediate in primer extension, and in part because of the greater distance between the attacking RNA primer 3′-hydroxyl and the phosphate of the incoming threo-nucleotide intermediate. Even a single activated threo-nucleotide in the presence of an activated downstream RNA oligonucleotide is added to the primer 10-fold more slowly than an activated ribonucleotide. In contrast, a single activated threo-nucleotide at the end of an RNA primer or in an RNA template results in only a modest decrease in the rate of primer extension, consistent with the minor and local structural distortions revealed by crystal structures. Our results are consistent with a model in which heterogeneous primordial oligonucleotides would, through cycles of replication, have given rise to increasingly homogeneous RNA strands.


  • Studies of the path from the prebiotic world to the RNA World have long contended with the chemical complexity of RNA

  • We find that activated threose nucleic acid (TNA) monomers alone are not effective substrates for multistep nonenzymatic primer extension reactions, and even single activated threo-nucleotides in an otherwise all-RNA context are incorporated with poor efficiency

  • Our results suggest that the reactive intermediate in primer extension, an imidazolium-bridged dinucleotide composed of 3 -3 linked threo-nucleotides, is both generated very slowly and once formed, binds to the template with suboptimal geometry for primer 3 -OH attack

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Eschenmoser proposed a comprehensive synthetic approach, suggesting that the origin of RNA might be elucidated by a systematic exploration of the properties of its chemical analogues and structural relatives [1,2]. Such a constructive approach addresses several seemingly intractable questions in abiogenesis. It was quickly recognized that, in order to have been a true ancestor of RNA, any such a polymer would require the ability to transmit its information to RNA [3].

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