
A new series of complexes with the tridentate dibasic Schiff base ligand o-vanillin isonicotinoyl hydrazone (o-VINH) were prepared and characterized by i.r., 1H n.m.r. and electronic spectral studies, magnetic susceptibility measurements and t.g.a. The disappearance of low field signals due to OH, NH protons at 10.23 and 9.31 p.p.m. and downfield shift of the −CH=N proton signal at 8.17 p.p.m. in the n.m.r. spectrum confirms the involvement of these groups in coordination. Both t.g.a. and i.r. spectral data show evidence for one molecule of coordinated H2O. These results taken in conjunction with electronic spectral data allow assignation of tetrahedral geometry for manganese(II), nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes but a square planar configuration to cobalt(II), copper(II) amd zinc(II) complexes.

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