
The Zintl phase Ca2CdSb2 was found to be dimorphic. Besides the orthorhombic Ca2CdSb2 (-o), here we report on the synthesis, the structural characterization, and the thermoelectric transport properties of its monoclinic form, Ca2CdSb2 (-m), and its Lu-doped variant Ca2-xLuxCdSb2 (x ≈ 0.02). The monoclinic structure exhibits complex structural characteristics and constitutes a new structure type with the non-centrosymmetric space group Cm (Z = 30). The electrical resistivity ρ(T) measured on single crystals of both phases portrays a transition from a semiconductor to a degenerate p-type semiconductor upon doping with Lu and with an attendant change in the Hall carrier concentration nH from 7.15 × 1018 to 2.30 × 1019 cm-3 at 300 K. The Seebeck coefficient S(T) of both phases are comparable and indicate a hole-dominated carrier transport mechanism with magnitudes of 133 and 116 μV/K at 600 K for Ca2CdSb2 (-m) and Ca2-xLuxCdSb2, respectively. The convoluted atomic bonding with an attendant large unit cell volume of ∼4365 Å3 drives a putative low thermal conductivity in these materials resulting in a power factor PF of 1.63 μW/cm K2 and an estimated thermoelectric figure of merit zT of ∼0.5 for Ca2-xLuxCdSb2 at 600 K. Differential scanning calorimetry results reveal the stability of these phases up to about 960 K, making them candidates for moderate temperature thermoelectric materials.

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