
Ulvans from Ulva ohnoi, Ulva tepida and Ulva prolifera were extracted under mild acidic conditions, isolated and their composition and structure determined. The ulvans contained mostly rhamnose (31.6–46.7 mol%) and glucuronic acid (26.6–37.5 mol%), with smaller amounts of xylose (3.4–10.4 mol%) and iduronic acid (3.1–7.6 mol%). In addition, the ulvan samples also contained galactose (4.4–26.0 mol%). Glycosyl linkage analysis showed that ulvan from U. ohnoi contained mostly →4)-GlcpA-(1→ and →3,4)-Rhap-(1→. Preparation of partially methylated alditol acetate standards of idose showed that U. ohnoi contained →4)-IdopA-(1→. In addition to these residues, glycosyl linkage analysis of U. tepida and U. prolifera showed the presence of →2,3,4)-Rhap-(1→, →4)-Xylp-(1→, →2,4)-GlcpA-(1→ and →3,4)-GlcpA-(1→. These two species also contained galactose linkages. These data, together with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy indicated that U. ohnoi comprised mostly of type A3S ulvanobiuronic acid repeats [→4)-β-D-GlcpA-(1→4)-α-L-Rhap3S-(1→], together with smaller amounts of type B3S ulvanobiuronic acid repeats [→4)-α-L-IdopA-(1→4)-α-L-Rhap3S-(1→] and ulvanobiose (U3S [→4)-β-D-Xylp-(1→4)-α-L-Rhap3S-(1→]). NMR spectra of U. tepida and U. prolifera showed resonances not detected in U. ohnoi, highlighting the complexity of the ulvans from these species. Regardless of the structural diversity of the ulvan samples there was very little antioxidant or inhibitory activity detected on enzymatic processes investigated.

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