
Three-dimensional seismic reflection study was conducted for the EasternBaghdad oil field which is located in the middle part of Iraq within Al-Madaaenprovince that belong to Baghdad governarate, South of Diyala River , this fieldincludes two southern parts (S1 and S2), the study area was about 781.905 km 2 forthe upper Cretaceous age, synthetic seismogram was generated from data of EB-5and EB-1 wells. Saadi reflector was picked and identified to determine the HarthaFormation. The seismic sections and time slice maps confirmed that the upperCretaceous age was affected by faults and the indicators of faults ended withinHartha Formation and continue to the deeper formations with increasing intensity.The attribute section was applied on time slice and shows that the area was affectedby normal fault parallel to the structure of the field trends (NW-SE). Time, velocityand depth maps of Hartha reflector depending on data from wells (EB-1, EB-2, EB-6, EB-30, EB-52, EB-54) the maps show the structural picture of East Baghdadstructural nose opened toward NW and trending (NW-SE) that confirmed by 3Dvolume which prepared for the studied area. DHI was identified as flat spot, dimspot and sag , when applying attributes like (instantaneous phase and InstantaneousFrequency) has been proved the absence of hydrocarbons in EB-15 well on otherhand found in adjacent wells such as EB-2 and EB-5 because of facies changes andnot structural change. A scaling facies change was identified at (inline 40910 andinline 47960) , Mound (inline 48310), as well as the work of the Isochron map,which was used to find Isopach and a suitable site for drilling wells.

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