
The structure of unpromoted precipitated Fe catalysts was determined by Mössbauer emission and X-ray absorption spectroscopies after use in the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS) reaction in well-mixed autoclave reactors for various periods of time. X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis, and Mössbauer spectroscopy showed consistent trends in the structural evolution of these catalysts during reaction. The nearly complete formation of Fe carbides during initial activation in CO was followed by their gradual re-oxidation to form Fe 3O 4 with increasing time-on-stream. Fe 3O 4 became the only detectable Fe compound after 450 h. The observed correlation between FTS rates and Fe carbide concentration, and the unexpected re-oxidation of the catalysts as CO conversion decreased, suggest that the deactivation of Fe catalysts in FTS reactions parallels the conversion of Fe carbides to Fe 3O 4. It appears that the CO activation steps responsible for replenishing carbidic surface species and for removing chemisorbed oxygen are selectively inhibited by deactivation of surface sites, leading to the oxidation of Fe carbide even in the presence of a reducing reactant mixture.

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