
We investigate waves observed by the Cluster wideband instrument (WBD) during anorbital conjunction with the Polar spacecraft. During this perigee pass, Polar was at theupper extent of the auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) source region in the SouthernHemisphere nightside auroral region. Cluster was located at higher altitude above thisregion and observed AKR with clear signatures of ordered fine structure striations (rain).Using electron particle data observed by HYDRA on board Polar, we have modeled theelectron distribution function within the AKR source region. This distribution function isunstable to a number of low-frequency wave modes and supports EMIC wavespropagating along the magnetic field line. These waves appear to be feasible to stimulatethe growth of AKR, producing the ordered fine structure observed by WBD on boardCluster, but further analysis will be important, especially plasma simulations.

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