
We construct and study the approximate stress-energy tensor of the quantized massive scalar field in higher dimensional Schwarzschild-Tangherlini spacetimes. The stress-energy tensor is calculated within the framework of the Schwinger-DeWitt approach. It is shown that in $N$-dimensional spacetime the main approximation can be obtained from the effective action constructed form the coincidence limit of the Hadamard-DeWitt coefficient $a_{k},$ where $k-1$ is the integer part of $N/2$. The back reaction of the quantized field upon the black hole spacetime is analyzed and the quantum-corrected Komar mass and the Hawking temperature is calculated. It is shown that for the minimal and conformal coupling the increase of the Komar mass of the quantum corrected black hole leads to the decrease of its Hawking temperature. This is not generally true for more exotic values of the coupling parameter. The general formula describing the vacuum polarization, $ \langle \phi^{2} \rangle,$ is constructed and briefly examined.

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