
The Goldenville horizon in the Baie Verte Peninsula is an important stratigraphic horizon that hosts primary (Cambrian to Ordovician) exhalative magnetite and pyrite and was a chemical trap for younger (Silurian to Devonian) orogenic gold mineralization. The horizon is overlain by basaltic flows and volcaniclastic rocks, is intercalated with variably coloured argillites and cherts, and underlain by mafic volcaniclastic rocks; the entire stratigraphy is cut by younger fine-grained mafic dykes and coarser gabbro. Lithogeochemical signatures of the Goldenville horizon allow it to be divided into high-Fe iron formation (HIF; >50% Fe2O3), low-Fe iron formation (LIF; 15-50% Fe2O3), and argillite with iron minerals (AIF; <15% Fe2O3). These variably Fe-rich rocks have Fe-Ti-Mn-Al systematics consistent with element derivation from varying mineral contributions from hydrothermal venting and ambient detrital sedimentation. Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS)-normalized rare earth element (REE) signatures for the HIF samples have negative Ce anomalies and patterns similar to modern hydrothermal sediment deposited under oxygenated ocean conditions. The PAAS-normalized REE signatures of LIF samples have positive Ce anomalies, similar to hydrothermal sediment deposited under anoxic to sub-oxic conditions. The paradoxical Ce behaviour is potentially explained by the Mn geochemistry of the LIF samples. The LIF have elevated MnO contents (2.0-7.5 weight %), suggesting that Mn from hydrothermal fluids was oxidized in an oxygenated water column during hydrothermal venting, Mn-oxides then scavenged Ce from seawater, and these Mn-oxides were subsequently deposited in the hydrothermal sediment. The Mn-rich LIF samples with positive Ce anomalies are intercalated with HIF with negative Ce anomalies, both regionally and on a metre scale within drill holes. Thus, the LIF positive Ce anomaly signature may record extended and particle-specific scavenging rather than sub-oxic/redox-stratified marine conditions. Collectively, results suggest that the Cambro-Ordovician Taconic seaway along the Laurentian margin may have been completely or near-completely oxygenated at the time of Goldenville horizon deposition.

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