
Lower Cretaceous syn-orogenic sediments derived from the obducted ophiolites of the Meliata–Maliac–Vardar (Neotethys) Ocean are typically found in the Dinarides and the Austroalpine units. Correlative flysch-type deposits linking both regions through the Southern Alps had been reported from the Bohinj area (NW Slovenia), but their stratigraphic and structural framework remained poorly known. Our research focused on stratigraphic and structural field studies in a 50 km2 area between Lake Bled and Lake Bohinj in the Julian Alps. The mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sediments, informally named the Studor formation, range in age from the Valanginian (possibly late Berriasian) to the Aptian. They occur on top of two different stratigraphic successions, which we assign to two separate nappes. The first succession consists of deep-water Middle Triassic to Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Bled Basin and belongs to the Pokljuka Nappe, which is the uppermost nappe of the Julian nappe stack. The second succession consists of Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic platform carbonates and a thin Jurassic–Cretaceous deep-water sequence. This succession was deposited in the marginal area of the Julian Carbonate Platform/Julian High and now belongs to the underlying Krn Nappe. The original (Dinaric) thrust contacts between the Pokljuka and Krn nappes are obliterated by younger deformations. The present-day boundaries between these two nappes are steep NE–SW and younger NW–SE trending faults. The post-nappe deformation sequence characterizing the Alps–Dinarides transition zone has been recognized: (1) Oligocene–Early Miocene NW–SE contraction; (2) Early–Middle Miocene extension; and (3) Late Miocene to recent inversion and transpression.

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